
Android, are there any other options?

Office operating system has been the monopoly of Microsoft XP. Today, android has monopolized the mobile operating system. Wherever you go, tablet, phone, or digital camera, and now have been android penetration.
Today, we have the choice? My answer is: No
When the hottest mobile phone operating system Saipan once occupied 56% market share of the mobile operating system, at the time, the smart moviles baratos phone market share is 32% of the total market. In other words, the world was not a smart phone. Symbian operating system, however, as the popularity of smart phones to create the conditions, you can say the Symbian operating system contributed.
Precisely because of the popularity of smart phones, the Symbian operating system looks a little lag, too monotonous UI interface, the lack of user-friendly operation set the Symbian operating system gradually withdraw from the stage of the smartphone. The emergence of the android smartphones baratos craze emerging android open source so that more manufacturers are willing to universal android operating system.
Veteran of Symbian began to catch up, but in the smartphone market, they are left behind, will be bogged down.Unless there is a new concept to change consumer habits, and habits of mind, need more than just courage and money.Need more time and patience, as well as unparalleled superiority.When android rapidly spread to various cities in various countries around the world, the rest of the operating system think comeback almost no possibility.IOS positioning is impossible to locate the mass groups, because Apple has been aware of the possibility to obtain victory with the android competition is 0%.
Microsoft's operating system wp7.5 reaction in the market is very small, the possibility of Microsoft's brand for WP7.5 extra points, but the high licensing fees as well as weak software ecosphere let Microsoft missed and android competition.In desperation, Microsoft can only integrate the PC platform and mobile platforms, launch and consistent WP8 phone and PC operating system.At this point, android mobile operating market has been completely ruled.
We have no choice.

