
Nokia reluctant to adopt the the android system real reason?

Google and Apple operating systems war, Google's Android has gained a considerable advantage. Leapt up the global number of users operating system. In the Chinese market, Google's share of the system is also quite huge. This is expected to surpass the United States this year as the world's largest smart phone. 
From 2008 to 2012, moviles Symbian and moviles android shift. Symbian operating system once the absolute leader of the smartphone market. In a short span of four years, the market share has dropped to 5.5% from 72% straight. Have to say this is a joke.
Apple has been in steady access to China's market share in the past four years, it is difficult to imagine a closed operating system in this country to get the opportunity to grow. Nevertheless, IOS growth rate is far slower than the android. Android's market share has jumped from 20% in 2010 to more than 75% of the 1.1 billion smartphones shipped to China. 800,000 shipments in the first half of this year. Nokia is defeated by Google. In a sense, Nokia has been using Google's android operating system because Nokia do not want to throw in the towel.
Changes in the Chinese smartphone market represents the dynamics of the global smartphone market, which means that the smart phone operating system will be android reign for a long period of time.
IDC expects China will consider all smartphone and moviles libres baratos shipments of 26.5 percent this year, compared to the third largest market in the United States is the United Kingdom, 5.3% to 17.8%.
The Nokia uses Microsoft's the WP8 operating system can restore the market has lost it? In fact, Nokia has no chance. Nokia today's rating on the stock has been defined as the junk level, investment opportunities have been lost.
If Nokia can abandon prejudices to android, I believe that through the android operating system, it least can get a 20% market share, coupled with excellent industrial design of Nokia, Nokia can still continue to dominate the smart phone market.
However, this is just "if".

