Nielsen recently released data show that in the U.S. smartphone
market share of the sum of the Android phone and iOS phone in the last
three months has exceeded to 90%, and the growth trend has not changed.
Nelson said that PC sales decline, but the sales of the smart phone
still shows the explosive growth in the United States. Assume that 66%
of mobile phone(spian words moviles baratos) consumers to buy smartphone baratos(no matter moviles dual sim baratos
or not), and 36.3% of them would choose the iPhone, from another
perspective, the U.S. mobile phone users use about 1/4 is the iPhone. In
addition, the U.S. mobile phone users to use the Android system is
about 36%.
The next chart data provided by Nielsen
Nelson also marked on a chart of the different systems the smart mobile phone(spain woreds: teléfonos baratos)
manufacturers market share, the Android system device market share of
51%, iPhone is 34%, Blackberry and Windows Mobile were 9% and 3.2%,
Symbian, Windows7 and the Palm three add up to a total of only 2.8%.
Generally speaking, in this case, wp8 have no opportunity to turn the
tables .Microsoft do not need Steve Jobs, they also did not Steve Jobs.
Perhaps we can see that Microsoft to develop future direction, not in
the mobile phone operating system, they are only through the mobile
phone operating system, people's attention shifted to Microsoft's Next
upcoming surface, it is Microsoft's PC + era.